Great Malvern, Worcestershire, England

A view of Raggedstone Hill

Raggedstone Hill

Raggedstone Hill (pictured above) is reputedly haunted by the ghost of a monk that lay a powerful curse that claimed the lives of some prominent historical figures. In life, the monk succumbs to human passions, so confessed to his Prior. Although also guilty of such acts, the Prior ordered the monk to crawl up the rough side of Raggedstone Hill every day. It is not known how many times he was made to do this, but ultimately the trial was too much for him, and the monk eventually went mad having realised that the Prior had been a hypocrite. He stood at the top of the hill and cursed the Prior, the Church and those on whom the shadow of the two peaks should fall. He then fell down dead.


The curse allegedly claimed the lives of Thomas a Becket, the Duke of Clarence, Richard III, the Two Princes of York, Prince Edward and Henry VI, Cardinal Wolsey and Anne Boleyn.


For further information, please read Haunted Britain by Antony D. Hippisley Coxe and Haunted Britain and Ireland by Richard Jones.


Visitor Information

Great Malvern is an area of Malvern, Worcestershire, England.

It lies at the foot of the Malvern Hills, a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, on the eastern flanks of the Worcestershire Beacon and North Hill that is easily accessed a short walk from the town centre.

Pictured left is a view of Raggestone Hill courtesy of Bob Embleton. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.